Parenteral Drug Association


The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to promoting the exchange of rapidly evolving information on the latest science and technology concerning high-quality pharmaceutical production. The Parenteral Drug Association members are technical professionals in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device industries.

The association has a strong global presence with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland and a Europe office in Berlin. A wide range of education and training programs are offered through the PDA Education Institute to support industry needs in manufacturing science, quality and regulatory affairs.

For 70 years, the PDA has provided its member companies with an authoritative voice and leading technical organization in the field of parenteral drug product technology. Through the dissemination of Technical Reports and other documents, responding to regulatory initiatives and educating industry through a wide array of conferences and workshops, PDA helps its members advance the science of high-quality drug product production.

In November 1946, six founding directors signed the original Certificate of Incorporation. The PDA now has more than 10,000 members and is one of the world's largest associations for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries.

Founded in 1946, the parenteral drug association is a nonprofit professional organization dedicated to advancing the science of high-quality pharmaceutical product production. Through the dissemination of Technical Reports and related documents, responding to regulatory initiatives and educating the industry through a wide array of conferences and training seminars, PDA helps its members advance the science and technology of high-quality drug product production.

Its membership is composed of the leaders in the industry and includes representatives from a variety of industry sectors, including manufacturing, pharmaceutical sales, regulatory agencies, quality management, pharmacoeconomics, and medical devices. The PDA's goal is to serve as an authoritative, global organization promoting the exchange of rapidly evolving information on a broad range of scientific and regulatory topics.

The PDA's global education program is focused on addressing the challenges of current and future pharmaceutical products technologies. Through the PDA training and educational events, its all-volunteer subject matter experts educate pharmaceutical industry professionals on the latest in manufacturing science, quality and regulatory affairs.

With the advent of new and innovative parenteral drug products, pharmaceutical manufacturers need to understand how to deliver those products safely and effectively. This is especially true for sterile drug products that are injected into or implanted within the body.

Providing these products is made more challenging when microbial contamination is present in the product or in the manufacturing process itself. Persistent bioburden and biofilm problems can lead to product recalls, product failure and plant shutdowns.

For this reason, microbial testing is increasingly important for pharmaceutical manufactures. It is also a vital component of any sterile drug product inspection program, since it allows for the detection of contaminants in a sample of the product at any stage during manufacturing.

In addition, microbial contamination can be a major source of problems in the packaging and transportation of pharmaceuticals. For this reason, a number of regulatory agencies and international bodies are calling for increased attention to the microbial content of pharmaceutical packaging. Education is a never ending process, so continue reading here:

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